Unaccompanied/Minor Travel

It is not possible for children under the age of 16 to travel alone on our services unless accompanied by a parent or guardian aged 18 or over.

Please note that rules and regulations for children travelling alone may vary by country, and so it is always recommended to check the applicable regulations for the country you are travelling to by clicking here, as well as specific details from government/immigration or each country as follows:

- Ireland:  travelling with children

- UK: travel to UK if under 18 

- France: French minor travel abroad

Persons 16 years and under

Children are not legally allowed book a ferry crossing, and therefore travel bookings for children aged 16 or over should be made by an adult.

Persons of 16 years of age can travel on our services but must provide a letter of authority from a parent of guardian to do so, in addition to meeting any requirements for entry to the country they are travelling to.

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